What we do
We reduce repetitive standard work through the use of smart documents and make legal advice affordable for SMEs.
Digitization of your legal documents
Digitization of your contract templates exclusively for your company.
Outsource repetitive, standard legal work to us. We relieve you.
We manage your contract templates and documents, revise them and keep them up to date with the latest legal status.
You will receive an exclusive customer account with us with your own digitized contracts and documents and can access them at any time.
Smart documents
Free smart standard contracts and legal documents
Use our online library. Create your own documents. A questionnaire guides you through the process. You can then download your finished document as a Word document.
If you have any questions in connection with our smart documents, we will be happy to help you personally with our specialist knowledge. Just book an appointment online!
Easy online legal advice
We are geared towards you - simple appointments in our booking system
With the help of legal technology, we are able to work more efficiently and can concentrate on our core competence - advising on complex legal issues.
Get help with your legal questions quickly and easily and book an appointment online. We help you to adapt the documents to your specific needs.
Book an appointment of
20 minutes
at a flat rate
from CHF 89.00 (including VAT).
Save money and time with digitization!
What would you do with extra
Still not convinced .....?
You only need a few contracts?
Good! This likely means spending a lot of time manually editing, formatting, uploading templates, copying and pasting snippets, and a lot more document creation-related.
With smart documents you can save a lot of this time and concentrate more quickly on your core business.
You work with Word templates?
Perfect! We automate these templates. We remove [placeholders] and create an intelligent questionnaire. Just answer the questions and options. Our software puts your answers in the right place and your document is ready.
With smart documents you can create the same document as with your Word template, only faster, without typing errors and consistently.
Legal Health Check
A legal health check shows you the areas in which improvements and cost savings can be achieved and which strengths the company should focus on.
Learn with the help of our Legal Health Check how you can solve legal problems and fill the gaps in an uncomplicated and efficient manner.
Legal advice

Due to our broad professional experience across different industries, we know your needs and can support you in all legal questions relating to your company.
Often it is economically not viable for SMEs to have their own legal department. We therefore also offer you to act as your outsourced legal department. We adapt our work to your needs and offer different remuneration models to meet your requirements.
Contact us or speak to us without.
Fragen Sie uns. Wir erklären Ihnen die Rechtslage - 100% unverbindlich
15 min
20 min
89 Swiss francs
What we offer
Cost security
We adapt our price options to your needs and create cost transparency and security.
Fast reaction time
Time is money - especially for companies with many open legal questions. In order to meet your demands and needs, we provide our services online and offline as efficiently as possible,
Due to our many years of experience in renowned Swiss law firms and in various legal departments of small and medium-sized companies, we have the necessary experience to support you in a wide range of commercial law issues and to find pragmatic, feasible solutions.
Legal Tech
We use state-of-the-art technologies to offer our services in an efficient, customer-oriented and cost-saving manner and support you in digitally transforming your legal tasks.
Free information and smart documents
We want to train Swiss SMEs to resolve their legal issues and offer free law blogs and smart DIY documents on our website.
What our customers say
speak to us
We would be happy to guide you through our documents and services and show you how you can benefit from them.